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K-12 Education Going Global Disruptive innovation is changing the way education is provided!

Singapore Academy USAis leading the way, helping educators shop the world for:

  • Latest methodologies & innovations
  • Highest performance & variety of curricula
  • Best teachers 

Our Mission is to restore excellence to American education through providing parents the very best education the world has to offer – In their own homes!

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Our Story


“We Want The Best Education For Our Children. Live From Singapore Home School Classes? Where Do We Enroll?”

Student performance of 15-year-olds across 78 nations _ (1)

Why Singapore Academy USA

Singapore Academy USA℠ is an academically focused curriculum and live instruction provider for middle school and high school student families who seek high performance in standardized testing. We help students reach the top of their class their final years of High School and ultimately achieve top university placement. A Plano Texas based company, we put excellence in education of America’s students first, above all else. All our curriculum  is  built  around  the  very  best  Singapore  STEM curriculum and  instruction. We provide daily live homeschool instruction in STEM subjects, weekend and after school enrichment courses, and summer camps taught by top Singapore teachers. Your student will benefit from the rigors, discipline and successful teaching and learning methodologies that have made Singapore students score #1 worldwide in Math, Science and Reading.

SIngapore Academy USA℠ Success Factor Singapore Academy USA’s live on-line instruction goes far beyond U.S. standards. The teaching and learning methodologies that have made Singapore Students #1 empower students to be more effective life-long learners, and improve their test scores and abilities for superior performance on university entrance exams and beyond.

Our class sizes are typically 12 students, about half that of public school in-home remote learning classes.

Small Class Size

Our class sizes are typically 12 students, about half that of public school in-home remote learning classes.
All you do is enroll your child and we take care of the daily instruction.


All you do is enroll your child and we take care of the daily instruction.
Our school calendar is synchronized with public schools, so your child’s after-school friendships and social development will continue to flourish.

Community Connection

Our school calendar is synchronized with public schools, so your child’s after-school friendships and social development will continue to flourish.

Send us a Message

Contact Information
3905 Hedgcoxe Road, #251506 Plano, TX 75025-9998
+1 214 937 1846