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Singapore Academy USA℠
Home School Curriculum
All courses derived from the Singapore National School System

Copy of Student performance of 15-year-olds across 78 nations

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The Singapore Method For Math

Singapore math style focuses on mastering essential math skills and concepts which can be achieved by carefully sequencing concepts developed by the Singapore Ministry Of Education (MOE). “CPA” (concrete, pictorial, abstract) Progression, Number Bonds, Bar Modeling, and Mental Calculations uses everyday experience, learning aids, and pictorial representation to help students understand abstract concepts.

Instead of enforcing memorization, students learn to think mathematically and rely on the depth of knowledge gained in lessons. They are exposed to real-life questions in primary school to further understanding.
These innovations have led to Singapore Math’s success around the world.


Elementary Mathematics Curriculum From The Beginning Math Courses

Start your student off right with our From The Beginning math course. 

All our courses and their worksheets are derived from those used in the Singapore National School System. There are 4 Units total. Each unit takes approximately 10 hours to complete. Purchase them separately or all together for additional savings!

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Course No: SC-21-04(A)
Subject/Title: Numbers 1 – 100
Age Range: 6~8 years old

Numbers 1 – 100  introduces students to the Singapore Method for mathematics at its most elemental level with an introduction to numbers themselves. Starting with the history of the origin of numbers and mathematics across the world’s cultures, students will progressively work through numbers from 1 to 100, picking up concepts and techniques along the way. “Revision Questions” provide the  “AQ,” or “Applicability Quotient” component of the course where students problem solve and put newly acquired knowledge into action.

Course Unit Price:  $ 24.99
Buy now and save 20%  – only $ 19.99 after discount.

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Course No: SC-21-04(B)
Subject/Title: Addition & Subtraction
Age Range: 6~8 years old

Building upon Numbers 1–100 the second unit of the course introduces students to the Singapore Method applied to the most basic of mathematics applications: Addition and Subtraction. Through diagrams, demonstrations and exercises, students will master 1 and 2-digit addition and subtraction. The course concludes with revision questions, providing the  “AQ,” or “Applicability Quotient” component of the course where students problem solve and put newly acquired knowledge into action.

Course Unit Price:  $ 24.99
Buy now and save 20%  – only $ 19.99 after discount.

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Course No: SC-21-04(C)
Subject/Title: Multiplication
Age Range: 6~8 years old

Building upon Numbers 1–100 and Addition & Subtraction, this course introduces students to the Singapore Method applied to the next rung of mathematical progression: Multiplication. Through visualization modules, demonstrations and exercises, students will master the terminology of multiplication, and become practiced at 1 and 2-digit multiplication. The course concludes with revision questions, providing the  “AQ,” or “Applicability Quotient” component of the course where students problem solve and put newly acquired knowledge into action.

Course Unit Price:  $ 24.99
Buy now and save 20%  – only $ 19.99 after discount.

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Course No: SC-21-04(D)
Subject/Title: Practical Application
Age Range: 6~8 years old


The culmination of the From The Beginning Math series, this course concludes with revision questions that provide broader and deeper “AQ,” or “Applicability Quotient” components of the course. Students not only problem-solve on each of the topics learned: Numbers, Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication, but solve problems which integrate the 4 subjects: applying newly acquired knowledge to a more advanced, complex, interrelated and realistic range of problem-solving.

Course Unit Price:  $ 24.99
Buy now and save 20%  – only $ 19.99 after discount.

Package Price: All 4 Course Units for $ 80.00.

Buy now and save 20% $80.00 only $ 64.00 after discount. 


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More On The Singapore Method For Math

The heart of the primary mathematics curriculum in Singapore is the Model Method for problem-solving. It is introduced at Primary 1 (7 years old). The Model Method or Bar Model Method employs a child-friendly pictorial language used to develop students’ understanding of fundamental mathematics concepts and proficiency in solving basic to advance mathematics word problems. The MOE advocated the CPA approach to help students with problem sums in primary school’s early years. 


The school curriculum generally covers 13 to 15 topics per academic level, mainly to deepen students’ understanding. Students do not just learn the equation to attain the answer, but how the equation works.


The curriculum in Singapore begins with hands-on group activities with objects and gradually moves onto the pictorial phase like model representation of concrete objects and finally the abstract equations. This gradual and sequential progression helps drive Singapore math’s success.